The beginning

The Cornerstone Baptist Church Family was established on February 19, 1984, when ninety-seven individuals took a leap of faith and gathered as a church family in McMinnville, TN. After almost three years, our congregation purchased the property on which our facilities were built.

Our Mission

Honor God: We love and honor God with everything we are, have, and do. (Romans 12.1) We believe that faith in Jesus transforms the human being from the inside out and becomes visible in our actions and reactions. By receiving this faith in Jesus and being changed, we can honor God.

Proclaim the gospel: We understand that preaching the gospel is the most essential duty of the church. In fulfilling this mission, we intend to answer the call of the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and lead others to know and receive Jesus as their savior in “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Encourage the family of faith: All brothers and sisters in Christ, scattered across the earth, are part of the family in faith. Whether in the local congregation or further afield, we encourage brothers to remain steadfast in walking with Jesus and serving in their local congregations. We recognize the local congregation as a divine agency and a place where all believers in Jesus are encouraged and sent to their respective callings. We encourage members of the body of Christ to be a part of the church and its actions for the growth of His Kingdom and for the completion of His Purposes.